Slice Seeding: Before and After

We spend our days driving around in trucks and looking at blades of grass… in fact, when you hear people talk about being bored, they usually refer to “watching grass grow.” That’s us, but we have a far different appreciation for grass than most normal people.

Above, you will see two lawns we slice seeded in early September 2019, and the “after” picture we took in early October. In less than a month, both lawns had gone from nearly dormant to completely vibrant. The homeowners are ecstatic – it feels as if they have an all new house, too!

We were able to do this by initially aerating the lawn. We then slice seeded it with a premium seed blend, followed by an application of starter fertilizer once the lawn had been seeded. As you can see, the changes were dramatic, and we love nothing more than to come back and look at the fruits of our labor.

If we can help you with slice seeding, please do not hesitate to read more on our website.

© Lawns of Southern New Hampshire